
I write occasionally about my walking and subjects I find interesting.

I Ching Photography Writing 
Komorebi Dreaming
16 May 2024 by James 

I’ve been for a walk (I’ve been for a walk) On a winter’s day (On a winter’s day) – California...

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Photography Writing 
Nostos Photography
26 March 2024 by James 

We have formed a firm decision that Odysseus has waited long enough. He must go home – The Odyssey...

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I Ching Writing 
Technology, Nature, Musk
9 November 2023 by James 

What we may well believe has the power to cut and shape and hollow out the dark form of the world surely...

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Tales from the Rhinogs
28 September 2023 by James 

The same leap of the spirit carries me up. God or no god, I am fey again – Nan Shepherd Nothing...

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The Queen Arrives
25 June 2023 by James 

What we may well believe has the power to cut and shape and hollow out the dark form of the world surely...

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Meadows and Fields
10 June 2023 by James 

I’m thinking of meadows after reading about them. These are the best, they say in The Times, for good...

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Cold Winter Chat
24 March 2023 by James 

There is something about winter which pares all living things down to their essentials – Moya Cannon...

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Wind Shirts and Hills
27 February 2023 by James 

In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social...

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Bird Song Walking
16 February 2023 by James 

But I think if any song can touch the heart, then one should value it – Sebastian Faulks, Birdsong...

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Sheila’s Lemonade
8 January 2023 by James 

Alas, our frailty is the cause, not we! – William Shakespeare I watched the Detectorists for the first...

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Chat and the Mountains
11 December 2022 by James 

The reason for evil in the world is that people are not able to tell their stories ― Carl Jung Landscape...

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Winter Aesthetic
4 December 2022 by James 

There is something about winter which pares all living things down to their essentials – Moya Cannon,...

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I Ching Writing 
The Land and the Street
15 November 2022 by James 

In the mountains, there you feel free – T.S. Eliot Some years ago I met two ladies in a Lake...

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Walking Kinder Scout
21 October 2022 by James 

It can stay silent a lifetime. Who knows anyway what it is, that wild, silky part of ourselves without...

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Slipping Out of Time
7 July 2022 by James 

But now and then comes an hour when the silence is all but absolute, and listening to it one slips out of time...

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The Robin and the Woods
22 May 2022 by James 

There’s an idea about nature we might call encounter. We encounter it, without complete understanding....

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Spring Returns
4 May 2022 by James 

There are many ways I like the outdoors and walking. High mountain treks, camping wild and on camp sites,...

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The Skylark and the Blossom
9 March 2022 by James 

It sometimes happened this way, that the animal was born knowing it was in the wrong place, that its body...

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Photography Writing 
Peak District Book
6 March 2022 by James 

Edale was the first Peak District area I knew. Initially with a post card, then for my first trip. The picture...

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Wild Flowers
19 February 2022 by James 

Surely if wind can, if rain can. But which cannot be held never be held and is no flower – Cormac McCarthy...

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The Mermaids Singing
11 February 2022 by James 

Do I dare Disturb the universe? – T.S. Eliot   There’s a little known Canadian film called I’ve...

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I Ching Writing 
January Down
20 January 2022 by James 

The light has sunk into the earth: the image of darkening of the light – I Ching I give you yourselves…I...

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Winter Walk
19 January 2022 by James 

Another way critics have of describing nature writing is to call it the literature of place – Barry...

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December Birds
12 December 2021 by James 

Then spoke the thunder – T.S. Eliot Religions don’t interest me but philosophy does. Not so much...

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Lyme Park Oak
20 November 2021 by James 

Creatures, I give you yourselves, said the strong, happy voice of Aslan – C.S. Lewis “It’s beautiful...

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Autumn Tilt
20 August 2021 by James 

Of all seasons autumn has most effect on me. I love spring and summer with the flowers and big warm days....

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Snowdonia Sunrise
11 August 2021 by James 

It is only by going off the track that you get to know the country – E.M. Forster Ideologies, like...

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Beautiful June
6 June 2021 by James 

They’ve made it again, Which means the globe’s still working, the Creation’s Still waking refreshed,...

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